Elopements are romantic adventures , and David And Emily elopement in Milan was definitely one of those !
David and Emily are an exquisite couple who decided to elope in Italy:
“Instead of eloping in Lake Como or Amalfi Coast, we fell in love with the romantic allure of Villa Arconati, in Milan” said the couple.
In fact the villa for its “grand” gardens, frescoes and style has won the nickname of “Petit Versailles”.
To complement the majesty of the villa… with a twist, the couple opted for a pop coloured ceremony, and spring season has plenty of colourful blossoms.
Inspired by the son colore of the Villa, we suggested spring accented colors of pink, fucsia, lilac and touches of white, by using pink and apricot baby-breath, lilac delphiniums, carnations, roses and the lovely sweet pea.
These flowers have been used as ground decoration to embrace the couple during the ceremony around the imponent Pompeo Statue.
Chic and soft details in the stationery: powder pink for the envelope of the invite, who recalled a emblem of the villa, fucsia for the sealing wax in an handwritten callligraphed wedding suite.
Blush meets colours on the table, where the regality meets contemporary touches.
A beautiful table created in the continuity of the spirit of the elopement, with a contract between regal and modernity: a large table with mismatching colours from left to right, a touch of tradition given with the bone china pottery used as ornamental vases and touches of light blue, orange and pink colours, a nod to the tradition of the regal vintage show plates.
Charming couple stroll on the external of the villa to symbolise the aesthetic of the couple, modern and glamour was a blast! The bride is her soft dress is far from the formality of a typical wedding an totally aligned with the freedom that an elopement can give.
Finally, a yummy regal layered cake mixing regality and sophistication.
A lovely elopement in Villa Arconati
wedding planner : White emotions https://www.whiteemotion.eu/home/
venue : https://www.villaarconati-far.it/ita/
bride gowns : Vera Wang https://www.verawang.com/ for Atelier Mada https://www.ateliermada.it
tuxedo :Bencivenga https://bencivenga.eu
Flowers : Figli dei fiori Como http://www.figlideifiori.com
Jewels : Sharra Pagano https://www.sharrapagano.it
hair and Make up : Mariano Sabatelli @marianosabatelli1970
rent : Smacrent https://www.smacrent.com
bride’s shoes : Atelier Mada https://www.ateliermada.it
Stationary : Beautiful Letters https://www.beautifuletters.com
wedding cake : Rampart Pasticceria http://www.ramperti.it